✨Stream Simulcasting✨
・月曜、水曜日 3時間 :12:30(JST) / 03:30 (UTC)
The day before Monday & Wednesday 3hours:22:30(EST)~ / 19:30(PST)~
🌸月 Mon
ひらがなとカタカナの書き方Hiragana & Katakana writing lessons
漢字 Kanji Writing Lesson
日本旅行 Travel Conversation Lesson
書きとりレッスン Dictation & conversation
Let's study Japanese with Duolingo
日本語クイズレッスン Japanese Quiz Lesson
Lesson Video will be posted to YouTube the day before the lesson.
It will be easier to understand if you watch that and Please use it for review!
🌸水 Wed
Japanese Grammar Lesson みんなの日本語 文法レッスン
Learn Japanese Through Games✨ゲームで日本語を学ぼう
Please check this out for details. 詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。
Twitch Tier3 とYouTube Level5 member 様は、毎月30分のレッスンを受けられます。
Twitch Tier 3 subscribers & YouTube Level5 member will receive 30 minutes of lessons per month.
The content of the lesson can be writing, conversation, grammar, or free talk.
I can discuss your requests in advance.
*Please refrain from contacting me if you are looking for a personal relationship.