about YouTube✨Many Useful Videos & Simulcasting ✨ 日本語のレッスン動画と同時配信

Live streaming archive video and Many Useful Videos for leaners ✨日本語のレッスン配信アーカイブと日本語学習者に役に立つビデオ
YouTube Channel

Please see the Japanese live streaming archive video on YouTube.
There are many Japanese lesson videos posted only on YouTube.


漢字 Kanji Writing Lesson

日本旅行 Travel Conversation Lesson

Dictation & conversation

Japanese Grammar Lesson 日本語の文法レッスン

Let's study Japanese with Duolingo

Simulcasting ✨同時配信

 I read out Twitch & YouTube comments in my Japanese lessons. But Only twitch comments can be displayed on the screen. 

日本語レッスンでは、TwitchとYouTubeのコメントを読み上げますが、画面上にはtwitchのコメントしか掲載できません。もしYouTubeのコメントに興味がある方は、こちらからYouTube へ行くことができますよ。

At the time of  Simulcasting, If you are interested in youtube's chat, Please check here!YouTube


Please do not post anything related to YouTube in the Twitch chat box. Twitch Terms

During the simulcast, please feel free to watch on both Youtube & Twitch.

about Membership

Level1:Badges& stamps✨バッジとスタンプのみ JP¥190
・You can participate in the whiteboard and discord voice chat in class.
・Join the PrivateDiscord server 非公開Discordサーバーへようこそ
・You can use member badges and emojis.メンバー用バッジと絵文字が使えます。バー用バ

Level2:NyaNyars🐈にゃにゃ~ず JP¥290
NyaNyars-only videos✨にゃにゃ~ず限定動画
NyaNyars-only Chatting stream✨にゃにゃ~ず限定の雑談ライブ配信

Level3:Premier Nyan🐈プレミアにゃん JP¥490
I give you an original mouse cursor and a calendar wallpaper for computer monthly

Level5:Free Talk 30min✨おしゃべり 30分 JP¥2,390
Let's have fun chatting or studying with you

・Please refrain from contacting me if you are looking for a personal relationship.